Pride World Radio is delighted to be announced as LGBT+ media partner for the National #No2H8 Crime Awards 2018
The awards champion those who tackle hatred, intolerance and prejudice nationwide. Rarely do we hear about the individuals, organisation and communities who work tirelessly to support victims, promote cohesion and challenge all forms of hate. The #No2H8 Crime Awards offers a chance to celebrate the upstanders in our society.
Peter Darrant, CEO of Pride World Media, said, “Like all walks of society, the LGBT+ community faces many challenges when it comes to hate crimes. We are delighted to be partnering such a prestigious awards ceremony, helping to shine the spotlight on those who support victims and make such a positive contribution in eradicating hate crimes for good.”
The awards, which will be hosted in London, will be broadcast live on Pride World Radio.
Application forms to nominate individuals and organisations will be posted on the Pride World Radio website in the coming weeks.